
Greyscale collage of approximately 30 TACSI staff against a light background with circle and semicircle shapes in the background.


2015 - present (on sabbatical in 2023)

Lucy has worked at The Australian Centre for Social Innovation for seven years, including the last four as a Senior Social Innovator.

Most of the work you see here are TACSI projects that Lucy delivered with colleagues, clients and communities.

Lucy is taking 2023 as a sabbatical from TACSI to more deeply understand collaborative design and learn from diverse people and practices.

Greyscale photo focussed on the floor, where a big piece of paper lays with drawings on it, connected by roads. Three people are standing on the drawing, and a fourth person is moving the drawings around.

Sydney Sustainability Jam


Global Sustainability Jam is a 48 hour human centred design intensive open to anyone interested in changing the world through collaboration. Lucy co-hosted  the Sydney chapter with peers from the Acumen HCD course.

Grayscale photo of bright white Pixalux light panels as sliding doors making the Powerhouse Museum cafe in Sydney a glowing cube. A waiter is moving the doors to open the cafe behind many cafe tables with chairs.


2012 - 2015

Working in Pixalux lighting design and manufacture in it’s start-up days meant Lucy learned fast and was hands on. Lucy was the first and only industrial designer, so had a wide range of responsibilities including:

  • Communicating and planning with architects, builders, joiners, manufacturers and more.

  • Working with the Pixalux inventor to design solutions for new applications of the product.

  • Creating technical drawings and manufacturing guidelines.

  • Manufacturing support including on the tools and occupational health and safety guidelines.

Greyscale photo of a Headspace foyer. Milk crates with cushions act as seating, and are also used as storage in the shelving and at the front desk. A person with long hair sits behind the reception desk.

CoDesign Studio


CoDesign Studio is a placemaking consultancy and multi-disciplinary social enterprise, at the time run with a volunteer workforce. Lucy joined architects and interior designers, counsellors and teenagers to prototype, co-design, document and begin building Frankston Headspace, a mental health hub for young people.

Greyscale photo of Lucy standing in front of a window with lots of  sticky notes on it. We see the backs of two people who are looking at the sticky notes. Lucy is listening to them.



Through her work with TACSI, Lucy has delivered talks and presentations on co-design, including at:

  • Grampians Mental Health Conference - 2019

  • Global Goals Jam by LAB Capital, Laboratorio de Innovacion para la Gestion Publica, Veeduria Distrital - 2017, Colombia

  • Social Innovation Exchange (SIX) - 2016, Colombia

Lucy has supported young South Sudanese Australians to co-present their work at:

  • Melbourne Development Circle (MDC)

  • Telstra Mental Health Round Table

  • Mental Health Australia

Greyscale photo of a laptop, coffee mug, pen and phone on a desk.

Social Traders


Social Traders is a leader of social enterprise procurement in Australia. Lucy worked part time in administration, mostly creating and managing databases of social enterprises.